Prom 2K17: Awards, Turn Up, The After Party | Part 2
Hey guys! This post is a continuation from my first prom post where I talked about the moments leading to the actual prom. In this post I'll be continuing from that post so if you want to have a read of part 1 of my prom, just click HERE!
Now onto the prom itself.
This was the greeting hour. Everyone was saying hi and just taking selfies. People were posting on their Snapchat stories, complimenting each other, getting into the moment. Plus it’s that stage in a party/event where everyone is coming out of their shell. It wasn't until 6:30 that we actually boarded the boat. The boat was really nice, it didn't look quite like the way it did in pictures but it looked nice all the same.7pm-8pm:
Lord Jesus kept me alive guys. Now I never thought I could be bored at prom – but I got bored. I kid you not guys, there was a group of us females and males just sitting down and glancing at either the floor or outside the boat. The DJ kept playing the same songs over and over again and was playing songs that were not ‘in’ I guess. It made me laugh a couple of times because of the reality of the situation but for the most part I was ready for the boat to just pull up and let me go home.In this hour we had food which was O.K. Burger, wedges, chicken etc. I sat with different people that I spent the night with so that was great as it meant experiencing the evening with different people. (Even though Year 11 – the last year of secondary school, wasn’t my most social year to say the least).
Thank you Lord because it was turnt during this period. The DJ started to play more modern/recent music. Everyone was on the floor – for those who it wasn’t were thing were outside or upstairs. But this point was where the teachers and students came and did their thang. It was great fun. The girls were in their group, the guys were in their group. Due to the small floor, we were still together and it didn’t feel segregated. The boat was at one point swaying because at one point everyone was leaning back and forth. I danced with my girl (we’ll call her G) in the middle and my other friends too. And they played my song! (Mr Eazi-Leg over). But honestly guys, my head of year was just on another mission. Every time it got lit – the music would stop. I think it happened like 3 times so at that point I was like – allllrrriiiightyyy then!! And I think they played one song which we all thought that greater music would follow and it will continue getting better – NOPE! 9:45 had arrived and the boat was at the pier waiting for us to get off.The awards:
The awards came and they did prom king and queen, silliest voice, worst uniform etc. It was just all banter and silly awards. I won the one for the uniform. I received big hoop earrings and stick on nail whatever it’s called. When it came to uniform, I wasn’t 100% AKA I often wore nail polish, big earrings etc (don’t do it guys- not worth the stress). But it was funny to gain an award for that so that was a cute touch.More pictures:
We took pictures throughout and we took a big one as a whole year. (The WHOLE year did not attend prom for various reasons so there was like 130 who came out of 180).Home time… or is it?
So we got off the boat. The night was sooooooooo young. But it is what it is. Honestly it was a great evening overall. A funny/lit ending to say the least. Now me and my friend who I came with were waiting for our mums to pick us – to go to an after party. So after about 20 minutes of taking more photos at night; we’re both ready to go to our friend’s after party. So can someone explain to me why our mums said no even though it was already agreed.They arrived at 10:30 and we didn’t leave central London till 10:50 to say roughly. So we clocked up at our friend’s house at 11:15 (no traffic, no rush hour so the journey was quicker than before). Previously my mum said she will pick me at 12:30.
She picked me and my friend at 11:50.
I know my time will come where I can stay out late until the cows come home but until then – my butt had to leave. The after party was alright – we danced, drunk coke, chatted about prom and just various other things. My friend ‘G’ also came with me and my friend home and we all had to walk, roughly 15 mins. And let’s just say 3 girls, walking in prom dresses, late at night can attract a lot of attention AKA a lot of horn honking, questions of there being a wedding from strangers, and a lot of staring.
And that was prom! This is probably my longest post – I sincerely apologise. I will not do this length of post again but so much happened and I just wanted to capture it all! I know it sounds like I was complaining a lot in this post so I apologise if it came across that way but I wanted to keep it 100, not sugar coat anything and overall the night was amazing. Let me just stop writing before I write a novel :)