Did I Achieve My 2016 Goals? + My 2017 Goals
Hi guys, it's been a minute since I last blogged. To cut the long story short, I had to do some re-evaluating as a blogger. And there will be some changes which I'll let you know about sooner or later. But right now I'm just slowly but surely getting back on my feet.
But in today's post, I really wanted to share some of my 2016 goals and whether I achieved them or not and also my 2017 goals.
My 2016 goals: Achieved or not achieved?
1. Achieve an A in Biology?
Achieved. I was two marks off an A* which was annoying but getting an A was great and looking back, biology was not easy. So ya, I' proud!
2. Grow hair to mid back length?
Achieved. I did trim it but I'm sure it's grown back. Later, like, waaaaaaayyyyy later on in the blog, I might just explain my 'Natural hair journey' because it's quite important in different ways.
3. Take more walks when feeling low?
Not even one walk...
4. Read books that relate to my life?
Mmm, no not really.
5. Stop overthinking?
Let's just move onto the next point because this was EXACTLY what I did!
6. Make mistakes and learn from those mistakes?
I definitely made mistakes and yes, I'm still learning. So that's achieved.
7. Create a routine in my life?
Yes! With school and everything - a routine was compulsory.
8. Experiment more with my natural hair with different styles?
Yeah, at least I think I did because I tried new things that I loved. So yup!
9. Write?
Who knew I would start a blog? *moon emoji*
10. Take care of myself?
Nah, but that's all changing this year - DEFINITELY!
11. Stop procrastinating by reading upon subjects from school?
Achieved. I rarely procrastinated, yay!!!
12. Spend less time on social media and more time sleeping?
13. Take everything as a learning experience?
I am now but not in 2016...
14. Try and study the bible?
I don't think I did at all which is not something I'm immensely proud of but again it's something I'm working on!
15. Make memories every week - good or bad?
Yes, achieved!
16. Reflect more?
I did but that just made overthinking a breeze :)
17. Be more nice to your siblings?
I try but we love each other and I am forever my brother's keeper.
Now, 2017...?
1. Stop going on my phone before I go to bed and when I wake up
2. Achieve/aim for all A's in my GCSEs
4. Start going to the gym this year
5. Read and annotate the bible
6. Whenever I feel anxious, write in my book about how I feel and practical solutions.
7. Do hobbies out of want, not sake.
8. Have fun
9. Do WHATEVER I need to do that makes me happy, no matter how hard it is
10. Go youth church often
11. Be fearlessly creative
12. Pray in amazing times and terrible times
13. Go out more, change surrounding areas often
14. Do more protective styles on my own
15. Watch my Netflix series as a break from everything
16. Drink water
17. Remember that bad times don't last
18.Let go of things that no longer serves me the happiness I deserve
19. ALWAYS have faith and TRUST in God!
Thank you for reading, this has been great! Blogging and I are still getting accquainted but like I said, changes are coming for the better. 2016 was just a downhill to be honest. But I learnt A LOT! Therefore I have strong faith that this year is going to be an amazing one. Got many things to look forward to! I turn 16, I finish my GCSEs, I have prom, a LOOONG summer holiday and many more! Thank you for staying with me on this journey!
Check out my previous post: How to slay forever!
"Fear is stupid. So are regrets..." - Marilyn Monroe
Check out my previous post: How to slay forever!
"Fear is stupid. So are regrets..." - Marilyn Monroe