10 Reasons Why You Should Let Him Go? + Advice
Hi Guys x This was a post that I didn't know if I should do or not but I decided that I am going to write it regardless because it's important and hopefully it helps someone. The funny thing is before year 10, boys were just boys. I didn't really care for them or have any interest in who liked who or who would notice me. Honestly, your girl was just minding her own business and doing whatever.
Starting year 10, all that changed. Let's just say there were some lessons that were learnt the hard way. I'm still learning, I'm still 15 which is young to be worrying the way I did but it happens to say the least. Younger girls shouldn't be worried or crying themselves to bed because of someone who they're probably not going to remember the surname of in the next 3 years to come. However it happens and it's sad to say that it's very common. I hope this post uplifts someone and makes a person understand that some guys are just not worth the crazy.
PS. This is more targeted to those who have crushes or are in the 'talking stage', a relationship I feel is more complex so you might not be able to relate fully to the reasons below.
PPS. Sorry to any guy reading, I know girls can do all of these things also. But being a girl, I can't help but come at this from a girl's perspective.
#1: If he doesn't call or text you regularly
As you get older, you realise those who don't ask of you regularly or those who don't even take the time to just send an ordinary 'are you okay' text shouldn't even be worth the worry. That goes for friends too. The older we get, the more rubbish we have to deal with in life. It doesn't take up to a minute to check on someone. Understandably, everyone's got a life that they have to worry about but people make time for things they care about. No question about it. If he ain't doing that, let him gooooo. The best thing to do is archive your chat with him. If he ain't texting you, he probably ain't gonna leave that archive. It's just a less extreme alternative to blocking.
#2: You are always worried or crying over him
Nah, just nah. Please take in the word 'always'. Not that you cried over him once, but to ALWAYS be crying - girl cut him off. In this case, try and do things to take your mind off him. Work out, take a walk, do revision, listen to music, go out with your girlfriends. Just don't dwell in your bed at night overthinking about him.
#3: There's other girls involved
Girl, baby girl... Unless that is what you sighed up for then feel free to skip this one but if you are constantly having to question if you are the only chick, there is no point in being a chick. Period.
#4: If he lies to you
As a female, we have a sixth sense. And that is to know if someone is lying or not. There's always that tingly feeling that something ain't right or something isn't adding up. If you're putting 2 and 2 together and getting 15, it's time to start making some changes. You need to start subtracting. ASAP. If you know he's lying, I advice you to distance yourself.
#5: He ignores you or doesn't acknowledge you
That's childish. That's long. That's unnecessary. If someone truly cares about you, they're going to show it. It takes the right person to brush off their pride and make an effort. Remember that. This one will hurt but it's best to get to terms with it and just write your feelings on a piece of paper and throw it away.
#6: It's always you who has to fix things
You can't be putting in a hundred and receiving 20. It doesn't work like that. It should be 50/50. Allowing people to mess around with your feelings because they believe you will chase after them in the end is a no,no. Take your kindness boo and give it to someone who actually cares.
#7: It's always the same old story
"I like you but I can't express myself."
"We're just friends, why are you always looking for an argument?"
"I was just joking, I didn't mean to."
Girl, you soon get tired after the same thing is said 20 times.
#8: All words no action
This is one that needs to sink in. Any guy can tell you he likes you, I want to take you out or you're the only girl who I talk to. Yada yada yada. But how many guys are actually going to stop playing games and just check up on you or have a real conversation? I ain't asking for the Ritz! Remember it doesn't take much for guys to say the right things, so just be aware.
#9: Not one or two, but ALL your friends are telling you to let him go
That's a sign. It's easy to say that if a few of your friends are being shady, it's just because they don't have a bae or they're just anti-guys. But if most of your friends are telling you he's childish and you need to move on, think about what they're trying to say. After all, your friends are your chosen family, they should only want what's best for you.
#10: You are unhappy
This one is a no brainer. If you are unhappy, cut off what's cutting off your supply of happiness. Yes, those memories are unforgettable. Yes he may make you feel so important and make you feel that you are the only girl for him. Yes, he might put a smile on your face every time he approaches you. But that doesn't account for the tears you shed, the feeling of anxiousness when you hear a rumour that he likes someone else or the hurt you feel when he walks past you without a second glance.
I don't think some of you realise how gorgeous and amazing you are. That's not me saying that, it's me meaning that. One thing that I've noticed looking at my friends and other girls who I come across where guys have led them to be heartbroken, upset or unfocused is that they're all ether pretty, smart or they're amazing people with great personalities. Girls really be losing confidence over some dumbass who failed/fails to see the beauty in them.
But please don't let your feelings for someone overcloud your common sense. If a guy is playing you, have the strength to leave his stewwpid self behind. Sometimes us girls choose to settle because we believe we will never find someone who will make us feel special like the way he did. That's wrong and that's a lie. Better is always round the corner. It's all about patience. Focus baby girl. Don't let anyone leave you hurt or unfocused because I honestly believe 2 years from now, you won't even remember a thing. If you do, you probably won't even care.
Thanks for reading this lengthy post. It was nice to write something different. Have a great week beautiful, please remember this post. You're a queen who deserves a king, not a peasant who doesn't understand the difference between a rock and a diamond. You will be fine, your glo' is coming!
Love you x
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Disclaimer: Stock Image above was taken from: StockSnap.io , GIFs used in this post and previous posts are taken from: GIPHY