4 Books That I'm Going To Be Reading This Summer
Hey guys. Fingers crossed that this is going to be a short and sweet post but all I’m going to be writing about in this blog post (whilst I paint my nails) is about the books I am going to be reading this summer. Considering that the majority of you guys reading this blog post are either bloggers, general writers, amazing close friends of mine or people who love to read - most of you will know or understand how reading is great in general.
It is so easy to become absorbed into things that are completely irrelevant in making you happy or enabling you to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. I honestly challenge some of you guys to let go of things that are not contributing growth whatsoever.
Whether it be certain apps, music, TV shows or even a bad habit, this can be replaced with something that will actually help you. For example, reading :-)
Honestly, it’s a must I get into reading this summer and not just reading books on my phone but paperback books. I feel that I am spiritually down because I’ve invested a lot of time and emotions into things that are not relevant instead of using that time to get to know myself, my goals and God. Personally, I think reading is a hobby that will definitely force you to be away from technology and put you in a position to be alone and spend time genuinely by yourself as opposed to spending time alone but with 100 other people through a screen.
You eventually realise it becomes unhealthy and eventually, spiritually draining. But onto the books!
1. Playing Hard
Now actually this is a book that I’m reading online (the irony and juxtaposition, shout out to my English squad who’s doing English next year). But this book is actually alright, it kinda drags but I’m still yet to finish the book. (UPDATE: I've finished the book and I would recommend it to anyone who loves the movie 'Love and Basketball'.)It’s basically a typical romance which is about a boy and girl who are different and cannot be together because of their difference and end up catching feelings for each other. It can be found on Wattpad where all the remaining information on the novel can be found.
2. Keysha’s Drama: A Kimani Tru Novel
Now – any Kimani Tru book, ANY book from the collection I always love. The love is reaaaaal out here for Kimani Tru books because they’re interesting, relatable, funny and enlightening (in terms of life over the pond). I would recommend this to anyone of ethnic minority and anyone interested in drama in within books.3. The Boy Free Zone
There is a crazy reason why I’m reading this. I must have been with some friends in my school library doing things you shouldn’t be doing in a library (talking loudly and laughing but it’s always loud in the library). So I was bored and picked up the nearest book that caught my eye and the title hooked me. I got the book, well temporarily borrowed it without signing it out, and it’s been sitting on my shelf ever since.To be honest I have to read this book this summer because I have to return this back to school on results day because that is the biggest chance I’ll get to put it back (if I don't end up going to my school's sixth form). So wish me luck! Plus the book, from what I can remember because I’m too lazy to get up and get it, is about a girl that’s bored in a town and a hot guy comes and she’s mesmerised. If that’s not the plot, I’m so soooorrryyyyy guys but I'm lazy as anything rn.
4. Drama high: Frenemies
I think I’ve read this book previously but I’m not 100% sure but I’ve definitely come into contact with the series and for the most part it’s okay. I’ve actually started this book but I stopped due to exams but this book was actually interesting up until the part I stopped so I’m definitely going to be catching up with it!Thank you guys for reading! I honestly challenge you guys to spend some genuine time by yourself. It doesn’t have to be reading. Take the time to understand your purpose and don’t let anything consume your mind that does not aid your personal growth! You’re amazing and you need to start to feed your spirit.
“Show me your friends and I’ll tell you your character” – An African proverb