Why I Changed The Name Of My Blog
Hey Guys! To anyone that follows my blog and has been wondering why I've been MIA it's simply because I've changed my blog name. Last week Monday I started school and honestly it's been sooo tough and just URRRRGH! Being in year 11 doesn't make it helpful either and of course there's day to day issues that shall not be named until further notice. Lol.
But on to the main subject: why did I change my name?
It was honestly a decision that was made quickly and doing it made me want to quit blogging at some point because I was panicking and fearing that doing blogging could cause me to almost go cah-razzzyy. But I'm here and I realise that sometimes I overthink too much and need to chill. My mum was actually the one who suggested the change in name. I take my mum's opinion very strongly so when she says jump then boo boo, I will do it.
To be honest 'Love, Tina Jayde' was just not me. It didn't 'fit' my brand (who knows where this blog will go eh?) or my identity. Although I choose to be partly concealed because guys, I am just not ready to put a face to the name yet, I couldn't distance myself from who I am basically. Tina Jayde was composed by different factors of my actually name. AKA, I just got parts of my real name and meshed it to form Tina Jayde, that was clearly pointed out by my mum who said it just didn't suit me to put it in plain and simple anglais.
So after tears, worries and prayer, we got 'Simply, Jessy Tee'. 'Simply' because it's a nice touch, Jessy because that's my nickname and Tee because that's the beginning of my last name :) And I feel like deep down that's the name I should have had, from day 1! :)
HUGE TIP: If you're planning to start a blog or even just planning on changing the name of your blog, make sure you find the perfect name/do it as soon as possible. As in if you're doubting the name of your blog- take a break, choose a perfect name then change it. Going through the process of changing my name, I realised that if I was to have built a following or left it too late, it would have been crazy hard and honestly the worst timing for me and you. So thank God I did it as soon as possible.
So no, I wasn't procrastinating or avoiding blogging, I was just trying to renovate the blog for my own peace of mind in future and so that I wouldn't leave it too late. So....
Thank you for reading you beautiful diva and have a great week!